
Mission of the ChDC

The Charlottesville Daylily Clubs main focus is to educate the public on the modern daylily and promote the genus Hemerocallis to people interested in gardening. The club also serves an important function in bringing people together with a common interest.

History of the ChDC

The ChDC was started in November 2001 by, principally, Jim Murphy and Margo Reed, with help from others, including Carol Sarginger, Richard Dittman, Lynn O'Donnell and Fred Benzinger. The first meetings were held at the home of Jim Murphy and Margo Reed. The charter members were Fred Benzinger, Carol Sarginger, Lynn ODonnell, Claire McIlvain, Margo Reed, Jim Murphy, Richard and Jayne Dittman, and Bill Potter.

The first meeting also counted Nicole Jordan in attendance. She was crucial in two ways for the formation of the club. First was encouragement. Second was spearheading a gift from RADS to ChDC to help us get started financially. Carol Sarginger was the first treasurer and took the financial horns, encouraging Jim to have auctions for fundraising efforts for the club. The most successful fundraiser in the early days was an Internet auction.

The second meeting, on December 8, 2002, was held at Carmelos, a local Charlottesville restaurant, and was attended by the above (less Bill Potter), plus Jim Smith, John Euchler, and Robert Chandler.

The first open garden tours were in 2002. Tour gardens included the gardens of Lynn O'Donnell, as well as Jim Murphy/Margo Reed. Open gardens continued to be a driving point to bring new membership, and 2003 brought a tour of five local gardens. The 2003 Open Gardens were Jim and Margo's, Carol's, Lynn's, the Dittman's, and Fred Benzinger's. The 2003 garden tour success was driven by good word of mouth and by Lynn getting the Daily Progress (local paper) to write an article. More than 150 people came through the gardens on that blistering hot July day.

ChDC hosted the AHS Region 3 Convention in 2007, and enjoyed the company of approximately 100 people through local garden tours, a banquet, a live auction, and a silent auction boutique.

The club holds meetings approximately every other month, has a plant for members program to evaluate daylilies in this region, and has several open gardens during daylily season. We do enjoy our plants!!!

Membership Info

NOTE: Membership is open to anyone who wishes to join. Membership dues are $10/calendar year for an individual membership, or a "family membership." (An individual membership or a family membership will allow one person to choose plants if eligible for the Plants for Members program. Each person interested in participating in Plants for Members program must purchase an individual membership.) Please fill out the following form and send it to the address below with payment, or bring the information and payment to any of our meetings.


New Membership form/ Membership Renewal with changes:



________________________zip code_________

Phone number(s):________________________________

Email address:__________________________________

AHS Member: ___ Yes ___ No

(American Daylily Society membership information can be located at the official ADS website, www.daylilies.org. Dues for ADS for a calendar year are currently $25.00.)

Mail to:

C. Lawrence - ChDC Membership

2414 White Hall Lake Dr.

Maidens, VA 23102

Contact Info

Charlottesville Daylily Club

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