2021 - 11/14/2021 - November Speaker meeting

Nov 14, 2021

Meeting Minutes: Sunday, November 14, 2021

This was a speaker meeting. Ray and Wanda Quinn were a delight to have visit our club. They
will be sending 8 plants for us to put in our P4M program in the spring. (The plants were voted
on to either auction them off at the Holiday Meeting or go into the plants for members program
in the Spring.)

ChDC planning meeting (held after the speaker meeting)
Members present:
Jim Murphy Margo Reed. Ali and Harve Ellingson Aimee Buchanan. Louise Walton
Debbie Parsons. Bruce LeLacheur. Angie Bowald Jim Dugan. Anthony Wells
Tena Felts. Shirley and Maurice Shelton Judy Durant Christina Lawerence
Wayne and Terri Bryant Enid Adams

New slate of officers for 2022-2023
President…….Aimee Buchanan
V P……………Shirley Shelton
Secretary…….Margo Reed
Treasurer……..Christina Lawrence
All positions passed with unanimous votes except the office for President. There was one
abstention, Harve Ellingson.

Anne Hooker offered to help with email notifications to the club.
Angie Bowald offered to continue as webmaster and chair for P4M.
Jim Murphy offered to set up speakers for meetings.
Ali agreed to keep doing hospitality.
These positions will be appointed after the new year.

Enid requested a list of the members and their information some of which is personal enough
that some members are not going to want it out there on the website. We do have a list but it
has been some time since it was updated. Angie said she would put out a questionnaire for the
members to respond to.

Jim Murphy is now offering Garden Judge training classes for anyone who is interested.

Reminder that all information about events and meetings are on the website for ChDC and to
check it regularly for updates.

Reminder that dues need to be paid by January 31st if you want to be in the pants for members program.
The Schedule of Events for 2022 was then discussed and agreed to as follows (with additional information for each event posted on the website under the Events section):
January 9, 2022: Tom Smoulder (UPDATED NOTE: this was scheduled to be a pot luck luncheon, but has since been updated to remove the potluck luncheon due to pandemic guidance/continuance)
February 13, 2022: Spring forward Social (formerly the Christmas party)
March 13, 2022: TBD
April (date?): Grelen Nursery Set up by Anne Hooker details to be added later
May 1, 2022: P4M distribution (potluck luncheon) Lewis Ginter sale this month
June 19, 2022: Drive to NC to Quinns place (UPDATED date confirmed with Ray Quinn)
June 26, 2022: Woodhenge Gardens Open Gardens
July 7-9, 2022 : ADS National Convention
August 28, 2022: P4M fall auction
September 25, 2022: Picnic at Woodhenge Gardens
October: We gonna skip this a month.
November 13, 2022: Planning/Speaker meeting (no elections) - Speaker to be determined

Treasurer report: A treasurer's report was provided at the meeting.

Meeting ended: 5:06 pm (roughly)
Notes taken by Aimee Buchanan, revised for the website posting by Angie Bowald
Submitted 11/27/2021, revised 12/27/2021

Contact Info

Charlottesville Daylily Club

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